Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just when I had high hopes... He's too clingy already!

The best way to get on my “do not respond to his bbm/text/calls” list, is to pay me too much attention. I know right, what??? Yes, it’s true. Please give me some space and don’t smother me. 

 It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in New York City. After spending the morning getting a manicure, spending my hard earned money on a pair of extremely uncomfortable (but so worth it) shoes … I decided to agree to a late lunch with “Mr. Officer”. He seemed like a nice guy, down to Earth, great job in law enforcement… basically, he was good on paper. We decided to meet up at a great sushi spot on the Upper East Side, which to me meant that I had to look my absolute best. This is as nice as I’m going to be in this article…. 

I’ll overlook the fact that he showed up 45 minutes later than we had scheduled our lunch. I’ll overlook the fact that he showed up looking like the 34th miner that has been just rescued out of the Chilean mine. I’ll over look the fact that he wouldn’t stop talking about how much he doesn’t like clingy girls (hence, he’s blowing up my phone as I’m typing this right now). After everything, I still agreed to meet up with him this week and attend a comedy show. At least I did until today.
After informing him that I have an extremely busy week and will let him know when I will be available to attend this comedy show, he’s managed to somehow text me, bbm me, and call me several times (all Sunday and Monday) asking the same questions… What are you doing? How are you doing? How was traffic this morning? So when do you think you’ll be free? Don’t you write an article about me (HA TOO LATE) Etc… C’mon son! I’m busy!!! It’s such a turnoff! 

I’m not a very confrontational person so instead of telling you, I will just ignore you. Yes, you will be confused and wonder what happened, but you deserve the silent treatment. I honestly had high hopes for him. I rated the date a 6, but was still willing to give him another shot. As of now, that probably won’t happen! No woman wants to see a grown man acting so desperate, and I think it goes both ways. Once you show someone that you’re head over heels for them, you lose the power and the other person has control. The fact that he is already so overbeating and he doesn’t know much about me, tells me more about him as a person. Could you image how clingy and attached he would get over time if we were in a relationship? 

Everyone loves to feel wanted and special, but when does it become too much? … or am I just use to the jerks that don't call enough... *sigh*



  1. Hey Sunni, love your blog. My BFF tried the no text/call and the guy still didn't get the hint. I'm talking about a grown a$$ man. Older than us, I think he's like in his mid 40's. Anyway, he then starting text messaging and calling me and asking what's good with my girlfriend. Finally, I told him listen, if a woman isn't text/calling you back then maybe they aren't interested. He reached out to her again and she finally had to come out and tell him herself. It's sad. Some men just don't get it.

  2. Girl... I finally deleted him off my bbm. I think it's nice to keep in contact and check in, but when you show desperation, it doesn't look good on anyone, man or woman. He's a mess lol

  3. I’m a 28 year old successful female living in Manhattan and also wanted chance to meet men outside entertainment industry because there is nothing but uneducated jerks (no manners) and fakes… I never been married, no kids, basically was looking for a good guy to love and have a fun happy long-term relationship with.
    I been happily dating someone who works in law enforcement for the past year but he is different from your regular one’s. He is very rugged during work because there is room for pretty boyz (So he’s Chilean when it comes to work) but exceptionally handsome off duty and clean cut when not working, intelligent & educated, athletic, and has had a successful life. Every women’s dream because it is hard to find in NYC because their guy's "Jerk’s" that front something they’re not. I had to overlook a lot of things and understand him in the beginning that he was different from the typical jerks I have dated in the past. I have learn as woman we tend to gravitate towards jerks because we are not mature enough, we don’t really know ourselves yet or we are not ready for a solid relationship.
    The majority “us women” are usually are attracted to the jerk because we love the challenge of changing them. Nice guys can initially give off an aura of stability, maturity and I know how to play their cards right and know when to fold (basically they don’t play games). Then we realize as women that nice guys are smart.
    Smart nice guys have good jobs.
    Smart nice guys with good jobs make good money.
    Smart nice guys with good money provide a life of security and comfort.
    Smart nice guys also make good fathers.
    It takes a long time for most women to come full-circle on this principle. Nice guys are willing to provide security and comfort right from the beginning. Problem is we as women in the beginning don’t give it a chance and we don’t wise-up until it is too late. I think we try to make people fit into a category instead of getting to know them. I think there was something that attracted you to him and it was too soon for conclusions…. - Laura
