Saturday, November 6, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

Hey dolls! So two weeks after moving to New York, I decided to start my blog. It’s very personal to me and I really hope that you all truly appreciate it because it is going to document my dating life in the Big Apple. I’ve never really been good at this “dating” thing so I’m giving it a shot in the most fabulous city in the world. I lived in Miami for the past seven months and it was terrible when it came to dating. This blog is not meant to "out" or "expose" anyone that I date, it is here to help me share my story with girls from all across the country, and for us to help each other out. It's about exchanging advice, tips, and stories. So follow me on my journey to finding true love! Muah!


  1. Hi Sunni!

    Look forward to reading your blog, I graduate in December and would love to move to NYC. Can't wait to hear about your fun stories :)

  2. Hmmm... Should be interesting. Good luck and be careful with those guys out there. I read somewhere that 1 out of 4 New Yorkers have some kind of std. Be careful. Much luck. Hope you find a great guy that will love ya and care for you like you deserve. You're a VERY beautiful woman. Also, very independent and that's amazing! Don't settle for less. BTW- you have a beautiful smile- lights up a whole room. Sunni sunshine. =P Much love to you from Dallas, TX.

  3. Hey Sunni, congrats on the move. You are one powerful woman! One day you live in the "D", then you move to FL and now you are in NY. Go Gurl is all I have to say and be forever blessed*
    lilval, Novi MI

  4. Thank you all so much! It means a lot :)
