Thursday, November 25, 2010

Some Thanksgiving Day Thoughts...

 First, let's all welcome my newphew Liam into this world! Today, I got a chance to see him for the first time and he immediately stole my heart. I love him so much!

Holidays always bring out the best in people. We try to reflect on the good times that we've had throughout the year and thank the God Almighty for all the blessings. This year has definitely been an exciting yet scary year for me, but I thank God for all the blessings that have come my way. From leaving my comfort zone of Detroit, packing my things and moving to Miami... to packing my things again and relocating to New York (where I hope to stay put for a very long time). It's very hard being away from your family and friends that you've known for years and stepping into the unknown... but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and just pray that He is watching over you and leading you in the right direction.

Lately, I've been reflecting on the past few years of my life in hopes of finding the answers to the questions "How have I contributed to the world and how can I achieve the ultimate happiness?"...
I have no idea... But I hope to find out. I've been doing radio since I was 18 years old. That's all I knew how to do and that all I wanted to do. But when you no longer have the same passion that you once had, you start questioning yourself and praying that you find the answer. But I am thankful for the journey thus far.
I also can't wait to be a mom. I can't help it. I see my sister and her husband, happily married, with a new son and... even though I'm beyond excited for them... I can't help but wonder when and if I will ever have the same thing. For now, I'm thankful for Liam because I will be the best Auntie any kid could ever want!

I say all this to say that I am thankful... for the good, the bad, and the greatest. Everything in life is a lesson and an adventure.

I am thankful for the people that God has placed in my life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime... you've all contributed somehow to this puzzle that is Me.

I do wish that all of you have an amazing Thanksgiving and the Holiday season. Spend it with people that are good for your soul. xoxoxo



  1. Hey Sunni,

    Liam is beautiful god bless his little soul... and your time will come. I believe everything happens for a reason. You can also look at Liam as practice because i'm sure your going to spoil the hell out of him. Believe me when the time is right you'll know and it will happen just enjoy the ride.

    P.S. Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Great Post Sunni, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Like Chai said, your time will come when you least expect it. Just enjoy life, every moment counts!

  3. Thanks chicas! I appreciate your kind words. And yes, little Liam is going to be uber spoiled! :)

  4. Awesome post! There's nothing better than spending quality time with loved ones. People who bring joy to the world and lift your spirit up. Congratulations Sunni! Now u have a new member full of light in your family. =D Hope ya had a great Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years. Wishin' ya nothin' but the best this year! Let's make it a great one!
